We have a huge range of Color Masterbatches, with our color database comprising over 25000 colors. We employ state of the art equipment to develop polymer specific color masterbatches, leading to a very precise color match leading to production of end product of the exact desired color.
Explore our extensive collection and unlock endless possibilities for product customization and differentiation. Achieve consistent and durable coloring effects with our reliable masterbatches, tailored to meet your specific requirements. Stay ahead of the competition and make a lasting impression with our superior color masterbatches.
Moreover, masterbatch of any specific color or characteristics can always be custom produced to meet your specific needs. Please feel free to refer to PANTONE and RAL shade cards or contact us for your color requirements.
Choose your application
We have a wide range for of Color Masterbatches for injection moulding Click Here for further detail.
We have a wide range for of Color Masterbatches for Blow film extrusion grade. Click Here for further detail